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Help Protect the Red Panda and Slow Loris

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The Amazing Escape Artist.

Red Pandas are their own species. Often compared to raccoons and bears, but not related at all to Giant Pandas. These beautiful animals spend most of their time in the trees!

Status Critically Endangered ICUN RED LIST

Population is less than 10,000

Scientific Name Ailurus fulgens

Length 2 feet

Habitats Temperate forests

Protecting Partner: The Red Panda Network

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The Great Loris Explorer.

The Slow Loris population is in sharp decline because of poaching for the exotic pet trade. Remaining populations have low densities and habitat loss is a major threat.

Status Critically Endangered ICUN RED LIST

Population is severely fragmented

Scientific Name Nycticebus javanicus

Length 11.5 in head-body length

Habitats Tree dwellers

Protecting Partner: The Little Fireface Project.


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